Profile and Management Details
School Name | Central Kids Kindergartens - Huntly West |
School ID | 5180 |
Offers '20 hours' | Yes |
Age | Service provides for 2 year-olds and over only |
Equity Index | EQI 1 |
Authority | Community based |
Organisation Type | Smith Avenue |
Definition | Not Applicable |
Col id | 99130 |
Col name | Te Kaahui Ako o Raahui Pookeka |
Address | Smith Avenue, Huntly |
Census Area Unit | Huntly West | |
Ward | Huntly Ward |
Total enrolments | 40 |
Territorial Authority | Waikato District |
Regional Council | Waikato Region |
Education region | Waikato |
General Electorate | Waikato |
General Electorate | Waikato |
Mori electorate | Hauraki-Waikato |
Management Contact Name | Donovan Clarke |
Management telephone | 07-8851016 |
Telephone | 07 885 1016 |
Fax | 07 828 6076 |
Students Details
Under 2s | No under 2 year olds |
Age 2 enrolments | 10 |
Age 3 enrolments | 12 |
Age 4 enrolments | 14 |
European enrolments | 11 |
Mori enrolments | 24 |
Pacific enrolments | 1 |
Total Enrolments | 36 |