School Name | Buller High School |
School ID | 301 |
Principal | Andrew Basher |
School gender | Co-Educational |
Authority | State |
Organisation Type | Secondary School (Year 9-15) |
Boarding Facilities | No |
Education medium | All students in English Medium |
School Donations | Donations should not be requested, unless for a school camp |
Definition | Not Applicable |
Col id | 99007 |
Col name | Buller Community of Learning |
Location | 33 Derby Street, Westport |
Google Address | 33 Derby Street, Westport 7825, New Zealand |
Rating | 4.1 base on 7 reviews |
Census Area Unit | Westport Urban |
Ward | Westport Ward |
Postal Details | P O Box 87, Westport, 7866 |
Territorial Authority | Buller District |
Regional Council | West Coast Region |
Education region | Nelson/Marlborough/West Coast |
General Electorate | West Coast-Tasman |
Mori electorate | Te Tai Tonga |
Local office name | Nelson |
Isolation index | 4.40 |
Melaa | 2 |
Decile | 5 |
Management Contact Name | Andrew Basher |
Telephone | 03-7897299 |
Fax | 03-7896790 |